- Chao-Hsuing Tseng, Hung-Ming Wang, and Jar-Ferr Yang,” Improved and Fast Algorithms for Intra 4×4 Mode Decision in H.264/AVC,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Kobe, Japan, pp. 2128-2131, May, 2005. (NSC93-2213-E-006-011)
- Chao-Hsuing Tseng and Kai-Li Lee and Jar-Ferr Yang,” Structural Fast Discrete Cosine Transform Algorithms”, ISCOM’99, Kaohsuing, Taiwan, Nov., 1999.
- Yung-Chiang Wei and Chao-Hsuing Tseng ,” Transformed Domain Block Size and Intra Mode Decision for Advanced Video”, 2010 International Symposium on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation, March, 2010.
- 鄭玲兒、曾昭雄、盧春林,”數位照護餐桌設計”, UHC2010, pp.380-383, Nov., 2010.
- 曾昭雄、楊憲祥、陳威任、王俊皓,” 反射式LED 顯示器”, UHC2010, pp.393-396, Nov., 2010.
- 魏永強、曾昭雄、張榮憲,“改善內部預測編碼法之研究”,Proceeding of 2010 Intelligent Systems Conference of Engineering Applications, March, 2010
- 黃妍蓁、曾昭雄、王俊皓、盧春林,“影像處理技術用於環境互動藝術之研究” , UHC2009, pp.174-178, Nov., 2009.
- 曾昭雄、魏永強,“自動視訊追蹤系統”,Proceeding of 2009 Intelligent Systems Conference of Engineering Applications, March, 2009.
- Yung-Chiang Wei and Chao-Hsuing Tseng ,” Image Compression Based on H.264/AVC”, Proceeding of 2009 Intelligent Systems Conference of Engineering Applications, March, 2009.
- 曾昭雄、黃夙婕、黃建維、承江永,“感應式環境藝術互動裝置之研究”,UHC2008,pp.113-118, Nov., 2008.
- Chao-Hsuing Tseng and Yung-Chiang Wei,” Fast Computation Reduction Algorithms for Lower-Frequency DCT Coefficients”, Intelligent Systems Conference of Engineering Applications, March, 2008.
- Yung-Chiang Wei and Chao-Hsuing Tseng ,” Adaptive Method for Advanced Video Coding Improvement”, Intelligent Systems Conference of Engineering Applications, March, 2008.
- 高采時、陳玥湄、陳國泰、曾昭雄,”學習元件與學習元件庫建構“,第十八屆物件導向技術及應用研討會,Sep.,2007.
- Chao-Hsuing Tseng and Jar-Ferr Yang, ” Construction of integer DCT and IDCT for accurate video compression,” Proceedings of Workshop on Consumer Electronics, P2.1, Nov., 2003. (NSC-91-22193-E006-017)
- 曾昭雄、魏永強,”結構式快速離散餘弦轉換演算法”,第十七屆技職研討會, pp. 2128-2131, Apr., 2002.
- Chao-Hsuing Tseng and Jar-Ferr Yang,”Integer DCT”,中華衛星一號運轉三週年研究論文發表會, pp.160-165, May, 2002.
- Chao-Hsuing Tseng and Kai-Li Lee and Jar-Ferr Yang,” Fast 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform Algorithms”, WCE’99, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct., 1999.
- Chao-Hsuing Tseng, Kai-Li Lee, and Jar-Ferr Yang,” A New Fast Discrete Cosine Transform Algorithm” 陸官校慶綜合學術研討會, May, 1999.
- 陳國泰, 曾昭雄,” Design and Analysis of Dynamic Location Management for Wireless Personal Communication System”, 第十四屆技職研討會, May, 1999.
- 李建德, 曾昭雄, 陳新得,” Robot Location Determination Using Conic Object Shapes with Single View”, 第九屆技職研討會, May, 1994.
- 曾昭雄,”以先來先服務分割法則整合語音與數據協定”, 第七屆技職研討會, May, 1992.