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  1. Chao-Hsuing Tseng, Hung-Ming Wang, and Jar-Ferr Yang,” Enhanced Intra 4x4 Mode Decision for H.264/AVC coders”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol.16, no. 8, pp.1027-1032, Aug. 2006. (SCI) (NSC93-2213-E-006-011)
  2. Hung-Ming Wang, Chao-Hsuing Tseng, and Jar-Ferr Yang,” Computation Reduction for Intra 4x4 Mode Decision with SATD Criterion in H.264/AVC”, IET Signal Process, vol.1, no. 3, pp.221-227 Sep. 2007. (SCI) (NSC95-2221-E-006-222)
  1. Chao-Hsuing Tseng, Hung-Ming Wang, and Jar-Ferr Yang,” Improved and Fast Algorithms for Intra 4×4 Mode Decision in H.264/AVC,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Kobe, Japan, pp. 2128-2131, May, 2005. (NSC93-2213-E-006-011)
  2. Chao-Hsuing Tseng and Kai-Li Lee and Jar-Ferr Yang,” Structural Fast Discrete Cosine Transform Algorithms”, ISCOM’99, Kaohsuing, Taiwan, Nov., 1999.
  3. Yung-Chiang Wei and Chao-Hsuing Tseng ,” Transformed Domain Block Size and Intra Mode Decision for Advanced Video”, 2010 International Symposium on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation, March, 2010.
  4. 鄭玲兒、曾昭雄、盧春林,”數位照護餐桌設計”, UHC2010, pp.380-383, Nov., 2010.
  5. 曾昭雄、楊憲祥、陳威任、王俊皓,” 反射式LED 顯示器”, UHC2010, pp.393-396, Nov., 2010.
  6. 魏永強、曾昭雄、張榮憲,“改善內部預測編碼法之研究”,Proceeding of 2010 Intelligent Systems Conference of Engineering Applications, March, 2010
  7. 黃妍蓁、曾昭雄、王俊皓、盧春林,“影像處理技術用於環境互動藝術之研究” , UHC2009, pp.174-178, Nov., 2009.
  8. 曾昭雄、魏永強,“自動視訊追蹤系統”,Proceeding of 2009 Intelligent Systems Conference of Engineering Applications, March, 2009.
  9. Yung-Chiang Wei and Chao-Hsuing Tseng ,” Image Compression Based on H.264/AVC”, Proceeding of 2009 Intelligent Systems Conference of Engineering Applications, March, 2009.
  10. 曾昭雄、黃夙婕、黃建維、承江永,“感應式環境藝術互動裝置之研究”,UHC2008,pp.113-118, Nov., 2008.
  11. Chao-Hsuing Tseng and Yung-Chiang Wei,” Fast Computation Reduction Algorithms for Lower-Frequency DCT Coefficients”, Intelligent Systems Conference of Engineering Applications, March, 2008.
  12. Yung-Chiang Wei and Chao-Hsuing Tseng ,” Adaptive Method for Advanced Video Coding Improvement”, Intelligent Systems Conference of Engineering Applications, March, 2008.
  13. 高采時、陳玥湄、陳國泰、曾昭雄,”學習元件與學習元件庫建構“,第十八屆物件導向技術及應用研討會,Sep.,2007.
  14. Chao-Hsuing Tseng and Jar-Ferr Yang, ” Construction of integer DCT and IDCT for accurate video compression,” Proceedings of Workshop on Consumer Electronics, P2.1, Nov., 2003. (NSC-91-22193-E006-017)
  15. 曾昭雄、魏永強,”結構式快速離散餘弦轉換演算法”,第十七屆技職研討會, pp. 2128-2131, Apr., 2002.
  16. Chao-Hsuing Tseng and Jar-Ferr Yang,”Integer DCT”,中華衛星一號運轉三週年研究論文發表會, pp.160-165, May, 2002.
  17. Chao-Hsuing Tseng and Kai-Li Lee and Jar-Ferr Yang,” Fast 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform Algorithms”, WCE’99, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct., 1999.
  18. Chao-Hsuing Tseng, Kai-Li Lee, and Jar-Ferr Yang,” A New Fast Discrete Cosine Transform Algorithm” 陸官校慶綜合學術研討會, May, 1999.
  19. 陳國泰, 曾昭雄,” Design and Analysis of Dynamic Location Management for Wireless Personal Communication System”, 第十四屆技職研討會, May, 1999.
  20. 李建德, 曾昭雄, 陳新得,” Robot Location Determination Using Conic Object Shapes with Single View”, 第九屆技職研討會, May, 1994.
  21. 曾昭雄,”以先來先服務分割法則整合語音與數據協定”, 第七屆技職研討會, May, 1992.